About Us

It is with great pleasure to announce Modesty Obsession!

Growing up in New York City was a very interesting experience.  At school I was known to be the girl who dressed “too covered.”  I was socially not accepted by most students and teachers. I was consider ‘weird”.  I was asked many times if I "dressed like that at home." Even in college,  I spent most of my time explaining  how I was not hot in my clothing. I did not anticipate the way I dressed would soon hunt me and get in the way of my career.  My friend in nursing school knew I would not get a job soon after graduation. She was right, however I was determined not to allow society define me. 

If modest wear was normalized, life would have been different for me and I knew there are many women in this world with the same experiences. 

With three daughters of my own, I felt the passion to create a modest clothing company that would help normalize modest wear and unite all women.  I know this is what most women need.  Most modest clothing brands are either too expensive, or exclusive. I  remember growing up with little access to modest clothing. Even when I did discover a modest brand I realized they promoted their brand to a selected group, culture, or religion.  I knew most women like myself need a modest clothing line that would represent all women.  And so Modesty Obsession was founded by that Principal, Unity and Power! Remember this is not about promoting modesty, this is about normalizing it in a society where most women are overlooked!

I am also pleased to announce we provide affordable high quality fashion. The majority of our dresses is made in Turkey in a prestigious manufacturing clothing company.  As we continue to grow we will expand our line. We will have men, children, junior and swim modest wear!  

I humbly thank you all for your love and support!